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SelfieSign for Education

Less paperwork,
more time for students.

Digitize paperwork, on campus and beyond

Everyday, a significant amount of paperwork takes up teachers and staff’s time, as they spend hours on routine, administrative tasks from processing student applications to getting parents’ permissions.


SelfieSign simplifies, and streamlines the online signing process of documents such as attendance records and permission slips for teachers, students and parents to sign whenever, wherever they want.

Benefits for Education


Save money, and time

Goodbye printing, faxing, scanning and archiving. Simply send, sign and track all forms and applications from desktop, or mobile.


Keep students engaged

E-signature is the new trend. We digitize the signing process for students to complete forms comfortably, and faster.


Enhance security

Papers can be forged, or tempered with. SelfieSign video records the signing process to ensure authenticity of your signers.

Use Cases

Expedite paperwork, electronically

Attendance records 

Students can sign attendance online easily for teachers to monitor their presence or absence.

Event notices

Within minutes, teachers can create slips for events such as parents’ day, summer camps and field trips.

Teacher approval

From permission slips to class logs, teachers can quickly review and sign.

Course enrollments

SelfieSign allows parents to enroll their kids into classes online in just a few clicks.

Permission slips

Parents can return permission slips such as for field trips — before or during work.

Online education

Verify the identities of your students when they take tests and trainings online, and ensure the integrity of your exams.

Build strong student experience

Sign up SelfieSign for your schools, universities or institutions

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